New Student Counseling
The College Relations Office serves all new students whether it is your first time in college or you have attended another college or university outside our district. We will help you plan your first semester of classes, log in to your student portal, and complete all the necessary steps to successfully enroll at FCC.
Current/Returning Student Counseling
The Counseling Department serves all current and returning/past students of Fresno City College. We can help you develop your educational plan to assist you in reaching your goals and obtain academic success.
Transfer Counseling
The Transfer Center helps students successfully transfer to a four year institution. We offer aid to students in the transfer process and provide information and resources to ensure a smooth and positive transition.
Specialty Counseling
Special Programs are available to help you succeed. As a Fresno City College student, you will find a host of services to help you succeed, as well as friendly staff and counselors to provide assistance as you pursue your education.