Spring 2017 — Opening Day Convocation
Thursday, January 5, 2017
Old Administration Building
8:00-8:30 Hot Breakfast in OAB 251
8:45 President’s Welcome Dr. Carole Goldsmith
- New Hires & Photos
- Staffing Changes
8:50 Listening Tour: What I Have Learned Dr. Carole Goldsmith
9:10 Still Listening: Where We Are Going Dr. Carole Goldsmith
- Update Master Plan
- District Strategic Plan: What it means to FCC
- Dual Credit Future (CUSD, FUSD & Design Science: Who? What?)
- Bond Update: Projects & Planning
10:00 FCC Safety Measures
Fresno Police Chief Jerry Dyer
SCCCD Police Chief Jose Flores
10:30 Budget Update Ms. Cheryl Sullivan
Instructional Update Mr. Don Lopez
Technology Update Mr. Harry Zahlis
Ram Pantry/Discipline Mr. Sean Henderson
Data Report Usage Dr. Lijuan Zhai
Accreditation Ms. Cyndie Luna
11:50-1:00 Break for Lunch
Keynote Dr. Paul Parnell
1:00-2:00 SLO’s – Calendar Project with Instructional Divisions
Ms. Kherstin Khan
(Student Services staff & faculty meetings—see supervisor for location)
2:00-3:00 SLO’s – Mapping with Student Services
Ms. Kherstin Khan
(Instructional Division meetings—see supervisor for location)
Dr. Carole Goldsmith, President
Fresno City College
Phone: (559) 489-2212