California Strategic Growth Council’s Transformative Climate Communities (TCC) funding

Oct 3, 2017

Message from the President

Last night local community members worked to finalize four draft proposal packages for the California Strategic Growth Council’s Transformative Climate Communities (TCC) funding.  I am pleased to share that the Fresno City College proposal for a West Fresno Satellite was included in every package. Additionally, the full $16.9 million request was included for a West Fresno site!  The TCC funding was secured by a broad coalition of local government and community members working in conjunction with the Governor’s Office and local legislative members.

Our inclusion in the draft proposal packages is a tremendous testimony to the acceptance and acknowledgement of the good work that this college does.  You all should feel incredibly proud to be a part of Fresno City College.

The purpose of this email is to share my gratitude with each of you.  Thank you for all the work you have done over the past few months to advance meaningful conversations with our community.  Your dedication and commitment to listen, analyze, and work together with our community has resulted in our proposal for the Fresno City College West Fresno Satellite becoming one step closer to reality a reality with leveraged external funding!

While we are not done with this process, this is certainly a moment for us to all pause and celebrate.

Again, thank you for participating in the many community meetings, campus planning sessions and most importantly, for your dedication to transforming lives through education.

Best regards,

Dr. Carole Goldsmith President

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