Virtual Forum: January 29, 2021
As you may have read in the news, Governor Newsom has lifted the stay at home order for all regions of California, including the central valley region where we live and work.
While many of us are pleased to see a number of our local businesses opening up, this order does not impact Fresno City College’s plans for a safe, phased-in return. We will continue to operate as we have, primarily online. The health professions and career technical programs and science classes that have been approved to operate on campus, will continue to do so.
If you want to learn more about this latest development and hear from FCC President Dr. Carole Goldsmith regarding college plans for a safe return, please join us on Friday, January 29 at noon for an open virtual forum. Joining the President is Don Lopez, Vice President of Instruction; Dr. Lataria Hall, Vice President of Student Services; and students from the Tutorial Center who will talk about services available to help students.