The MLR program is designed to train students in technical knowledge of bumper-to-bumper maintenance and light repairs in the critical areas of engine systems, automatic transmission/transaxle, manual drive train and axles, suspension and steering, brakes, electrical, and heating and air conditioning. Students will perform actual service and repair on vehicles in state-of-the-art labs, using tools, and technologies that will ensure they are workforce ready, at our new Advance Transportation Center (ATC) located in West Fresno, and qualified for the G1 Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) Education Foundation industry certification.
Maintenance and Light Repair Career Outlook
The Maintenance and Light Repair (MLR) program is comprised of two eighteen (18) week courses. AUTOT-50A and AUTOT-50B. (17 Units, Credit Program)
Join Now
To learn more about the Maintenance and Light Repair Program and courses, contact the Automotive Technology Department by email at:
If you are a first time student, please follow the New Student Guide to become a student at Fresno City College. Once you are a student, you may schedule an appointment with a counselor to discuss what courses are needed for your major of interest.
Counselors are available in the Applied Technology Division Office and at the West Fresno Center to assist students with creating a Student Education Plan for a Maintenance and Light Repair Certificate.
Courses and Information
To see recommended courses, see the Catalog. To see upcoming scheduled classes, see the Schedule of Classes.