
Are you innovative and inquisitive? Are you interested in advertising and promotions, digital media, or fashion and visual merchandising? Marketing curriculum can help you gain hands-on sales and promotional experiences with local businesses as clients. You can also learn the skills to promote and grow your own business through effective advertising and customer relationships. 

Title Degree / Certificate
Business Administration ADT Associate in Science Degree for Transfer (AS-T)
Marketing AS Associate in Science (AS)
Marketing: Fashion Merchandising AS Associate in Science (AS)
Marketing: Retail Management Associate in Science (AS)
Marketing CA Certificate of Achievement (CA)
Marketing: Fashion Merchandising CA Certificate of Achievement (CA)
Marketing: Retail Management CA Certificate of Achievement (CA)
Marketing: Advertising CN Certificate (CN)
Entrepreneurship Skills CN Certificate (CN)
Personal Sales CN Certificate (CN)
Real Estate Course Qualification CN Certificate (CN)
Retailing CN Certificate (CN)

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Learn more about the faculty and activities in the Fresno City College Marketing Program.