Terms of Agreement

What does "Terms of Agreement" mean?  The Terms of Agreement are rules and conditions for financial aid, and by accepting financial aid funding you are entering into an agreement with the financial aid department to adhere to these rules and conditions.



  • I will enroll in an eligible program and attend classes at one (or more) of the campuses/centers through State Center Community College District.
  • I have a high school diploma, GED, or have passed the Ability to Benefit (ATB) Test.
  • I understand that my financial aid award is subject to change according to my enrollment status and that financial aid awards are subject to availability of funds.
  • I understand that eligibility for Pell Grant is limited to twelve full-time semesters or the equivalent of 600% of my scheduled awards.
  • I understand that if repayment is required, I may be ineligible to receive any additional grant money until repayment is complete.
  • I have read the SCCCD Financial Aid Satisfactory Progress Policy on the Fresno City College Website and understand that my financial aid will be terminated when I cease to meet these standards.
  • I will repay any funds disbursed to me in error or for any period of time I was ineligible to receive funding or was not enrolled in and attending classes.
  • I will maintain a valid mailing address with Admissions and Records, and I will activate and regularly check my district assigned e-mail account. I will promptly answer all requests related to my application.
  • I will notify the Financial Aid Office if I change financial aid unit status, change attending institution or enroll in more than one institution.
  • To the best of my knowledge, the information contained in my application is correct and complete. SCCCD has my permission to verify this information and I agree to release to the Financial Aid Office copies of my Federal Income Tax Return Transcript and other income and asset verification upon request.


  • My financial aid package is based on full-time (12+ units) enrollment. My financial aid award is subject to change according to my enrollment status.
  • I understand that I may be in repayment if I drop or fail units after receiving financial aid for the semester. If repayment is required, I will be ineligible to receive any additional financial aid funds until my repayment is resolved.
  • I understand that my satisfactory academic progress will be verified at the end of each semester, and my financial aid eligibility will be terminated if I fail to maintain progress.
  • I cannot receive financial aid from any college outside of SCCCD during the same semester that I receive financial aid from a SCCCD college. Receiving financial aid from a different college will result in repayment to SCCCD.
  • I must be enrolled in and attending the proper number of units two weeks BEFORE the check disbursal date in order to receive my financial aid. Courses in which I am on a wait list to enroll will not be counted when considering my financial aid enrollment status.
  • I understand that I may only receive federal financial aid funding for one repeat of a previously passed course.
  • If I receive financial aid and receive a “No Show” drop, I may be required to repay a portion of my financial aid based on any change to my enrollment status.
  • Any fees owed to the institution will be subtracted from my financial aid check.
  • Veteran’s Educational Benefits, EOP&S book vouchers and scholarship awards may reduce my eligibility for additional aid. I realize payment of EOPS or OASIS funds are contingent upon compliance with all applicable guidelines.