
Michael Takeda
Humanities Division
559.442.8200 ext 2392
Office location: FO-11
Michael Takeda received his BA in English Literature with a minor in International Studies from Sonoma State University. During his studies he had the opportunity to live in Hamburg, Germany, for one summer and Florence, Italy, for one year. Upon graduation he moved to Toyama, Japan, to teach English in a public junior high school for two years. The next eight years found him wandering the world, using Honolulu and San Francisco as home bases for work, and as launching pads for the exploration of over 40 countries.
Upon returning to Fresno, Michael finished his Master’s degree in TESOL from Fresno Pacific University and was soon working at his dream job at Fresno City College. As his mother was a Dental Hygiene instructor at FCC for over 30 years, Michael’s heart was always here. He is honored to work with the dynamic and exceptional students, faculty, and staff at FCC, and plans to be here for many years to come.
B.A., Sonoma State University
M.A., Fresno Pacific University