
John Wilson
Humanities Division
559.442.8200 ext 8379
Office location: LA 206
When Mr. John Wilson was born in central California of the United States of America, he quickly realised that the USA was a bit small for his tastes and started his university journey with the intention of becoming fluent in an Asian language and teaching English within that context and environment. Over a decade he has taught Japanese students at the university level.
With a background in creative non-fiction writing, his research interests include task-based language teaching, language learning motivation and educational statistics. Additionally, he is interested in exploring creative ways to communicate the advantages of greater reading fluency to students and colleagues, and using music as a creative communicative teaching tool. Recently, he has created courses that emphasize student generated audio and video projects using Internet technologies for collaborative learning and is a former COIL Fellow (Collaborative On-line International Learning). In his free time he plays the piano, sings gospel and jazz music and enjoys river fishing in the San Joaquin Valley.
BA in English CSU Fresno, minor in African-American Studies
BA in Humanities, English Massey University in New Zealand
MA in English CSU Fresno
Ed.D in English Education emphasis in TESOL (expected 2025-6)