College Council
The College Council, whose members are drawn from college-wide leadership of faculty, classified professionals, students, and administrators, is the college’s main governance body that provides oversight for the strategic planning process.
The responsibilities of the College Council include establishing college goals and objectives, establishing priorities for planning and resources, and monitoring the progress towards the completion of college goals and objectives. To further support the integrated plan process, College Council provides direction and guidance to committees, workgroups, and task forces. College Council Committees have a major responsibility of providing recommendations on college planning, supporting, and promoting the college's mission, vision, and strategic plan.
Program Review Committee
The Program Review committee facilitates an equity framed process by which instructional and non-instructional programs systematically assess themselves using data to ensure currency, relevance, and achievement of stated goals and outcomes that adhere to the college mission, strategic plan, and accreditation standards.
Resource Committee
The purpose of the Resource Ccommittee is to lead, oversee, and regularly review the college resource allocation and planning processes for human resources, physical resources, technological resources, and financial resources.
Student Equity and Success Committee
The Student Equity and Success committee guides the implementation of research-based equity-minded efforts and provides an agenda and platform for leadership, communication, and coordination in order to maximize the integration of resources that impact student equity, access, and success efforts campus-wide and close equity gaps for students experiencing disproportionate impact
Antiracism Committee
Cultivate a collegewide commitment to ensuring a culture of antiracism in part through inquiry, systems thinking, professional development, policies, and practices.
Guided Pathways Workgroup
The Guided Pathways workgroup is charged with leading the campus in determining how Guided Pathways will be designed and implemented for Fresno City College.
Professional Development Work Group
The Professional Development Work Group revitalizes, inspires, and enhances professional and personal development through a collaborative exchange of ideas, practices, concepts, and programs that promote equity-mindedness, performance, critical thinking, and lifelong learning within and across the college community. Our aim is to cultivate an institutional culture that encourages and values ongoing professional development and strives to embrace the diversity of our world by forging a supportive learning and working environment.