Academic Senate
The Academic Senate is the organization on campus that represents faculty in the formation of policy in “Academic and Professional Matters”.
Academic SenateAssociated Student Government
The Fresno City College Associated Student Government is the voice of the students. ASG is a group of progressive-minded individuals combining efforts to achieve an overall goal of making sure the students are heard among faculty and administration at Fresno City College.
Associated Student GovernmentClassified Senate
Classified Senate promotes the valuable contributions made by classified professionals in creating an environment that will lead to the greatest level of student success. The Senate encourages the exchange of ideas, understanding, and cooperation between classified staff, faculty, administrators, and students in the best interest of enriching the educational environment. We are here to help you meet those goals. Comments and suggestions are always welcome and your participation is greatly appreciated. Classified Senate ensures that the concerns and successes of the staff on campus can be shared.
Classified SenateCollege Council
College Council is a planning and oversight body designed to ensure the college is equitably serving the students in our region. The council facilitates communication between constituents and the President and is responsible for making student centered and equity-minded recommendations to the President on college-wide matters with respect to resource allocation, student equity and success, health and safety, and program review in alignment with the strategic plan and accreditation standards.
Institutional Planning