3rd Annual Asians in the City Conference for Students

Oct 3, 2018

Asians in the City Conference returns to Fresno City College for a third year to bring exclusive presentations, workshops and discussion groups about modern issues and cultural appreciation. Students, in high school or college, and the community are invited to attend the conference and enjoy lunch on Saturday, October 6, 2018 from 8:00 AM to 12:30 PM in the Old Administration Building on campus.

Come see captivating Asian art forms during featured workshops, such as Hmong pan dau, Japanese flower arranging and Japanese taiko drumming. Take this opportunity to discover ways to travel the world, explore theories about Asian language family trees, and exchange views on the realities of Asian stereotypes.

For the team of teachers and the Asian American Club from Fresno City College, this conference is an outreach to promote education and culture. John Cho, Asian American Studies instructor, is one of the conference organizers and expresses, “We encourage everyone to attend. You can look forward to the new and engaging topics that the conference will cover this year.”

For more information, please visit www.fresnocitycollege.edu/asiansinthecity or contact John Cho.

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