Women's History Month 2023

Mar 3, 2023

March is Women’s History Month and the Fresno City College Women’s Campus Connection has scheduled a variety of events to commemorate the month including movie screenings, an International Women’s Day celebration, a special speaker and a focus on women writers.

Wednesday, March 8

International Women’s Day – Embrace Equity
11:00 – 1:00 am
Veterans Square

Join us as students, faculty, and staff share their visions for a world that is diverse, equitable, and inclusive. Let us stand together to celebrate our differences and embrace equity not just on our campus, but in the world. Speakers will include faculty, staff and students.


5:30-7:00 pm
OAB 251

“Healing Across Borders: Mexican Traditional Medicine in the 21st Century”. Learn about Curanderismo, also sometimes called Mexican Traditional Medicine (MTM). Many of the traditional roles of curanderismo are female roles. Females play an important part in the natural healing process across Latin America. We will discuss Indigenous Medicine before and after European Arrival such as, techniques, rituals, types of doctors, types of herbs, medicines & treatments.


Speaker: Susan Burton
2:00-3:30 pm, OAB Auditorium

Reception: 5:00 pm, OAB 251
Book signing after each event.

“A Journey to Freedom and Purpose: The Unique Experience of Incarcerated Women”

Join Susan Burton for a discussion about her journey from prison to recovery to leading the fight against mass incarceration. Ms. Burton is the founder of A New Way of Life, a nonprofit organization that provides housing and other support to formerly incarcerated women. She will speak about her life experiences, the lessons she's learned, and how she is using her voice and platform to transform communities across the nation. She is living proof of the power of self-transformation and is committed to empowering others to find opportunities to heal in a "calm, settled, inviting, and warm environment, an environment where they feel connected and a part of the community.  Burton is a visionary, inspirational leader of the criminal justice reform movement and author of her award-winning memoir, Becoming Ms. Burton.


Movie Screening: Hidden Figures
3:00 – 5:00 pm
FH 103

The story of a team of Black female mathematicians who served a vital role in NASA during the early years of the U.S. space program. Snacks for people to enjoy while watching the movie will be provided.


A Celebration of Women Writers
2:00-3:30 pm
OAB Courtyard

Come listen to writers read their own work or the work of a woman they admire.

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