Social Justice Center


The mission of the Social Justice Center is to engage the campus and greater community in order to cultivate and promote social justice and equity on campus, locally, nationally, and globally.


Monday - Thursday 
9:00 am - 3:00 pm


Phone: 559.442.8270


Location: OAB 139

Campus Map

We envision a campus and a world in which all people are treated with dignity and justice. We envision a society rooted in equity and one that has eliminated poverty, hunger, homelessness, racism, and other forms of persecution. We envision a society that values and protects the dignity, freedom, and rights of all human beings, especially the most vulnerable.

The purpose of the Social Justice Center is to serve as:

  • a research and resource center, including books, information from local and national organizations, a computer database of social justice and cultural organizations, and related research materials;
  • as a center for workshops, in-services, and training for faculty, staff, students, and administration;
  • as a student-prioritized space for social justice-related students, clubs, or groups to meet, work, and network; and
  • as a center for programs and events, on a range of social justice-related issues by national, local, campus, and student speakers. We seek to engage the community, develop partnerships and mentorship, raise awareness, and advocate for social justice wherever and whenever needed, in order to better serve, educate, and empower our students and our community.

The Social Justice Center will be a student-prioritized space for social justice-related students, clubs, or groups to meet, work, and network. The center will serve as an incubator for a series of student-led initiatives and projects designed to increase their sense of belonging and inclusion at FCC and to support student retention, completion, and success. It will create a space where students of color and all marginalized groups will feel safe, welcomed, and at-home.

The Social Justice Center will provide programming and services consistent with the Center mission and vision, as they align with the goals and mission of the college. The programs and events will include a regular series of four types of programs and events:

  • nationally known and renowned authors, experts, scholars, or activists,
  • local experts from nearby, community organizations or institutions,
  • campus experts, including instructors, administrators, or staff,
  • a student speaker series, drawing on our students’ experiences while empowering them.

These events may include panels, guest speakers, and workshop leaders. The Social Justice Center will promote and host programs and events that raise awareness for students, faculty, staff, administration, and the community about issues related to social justice and cultural awareness.

Examples of topics include but are not limited to: Black Lives Matter; race studies, racial justice; LGBTQ studies and activism, gender studies and activism, women’s studies and activism, ethnic studies social justice activism including but not limited to Latinx studies and activism, Asian American and Southeast Asian American studies and activism, Native American and Indigenous studies and activism, Black studies and activism, Anti-Semitism, and activism and social justice concerns related to ageism, education level, mental or physical ability, child welfare, voting access and rights, climate justice, healthcare, immigration, refugee status, gun violence, income gap, broadband equity, hunger and food insecurity, food justice, environmental justice, sexual orientation, bias and discrimination in education, family-child separation, adoption, foster care, DREAM act, veterans’ rights, school to prison pipeline, hate crimes, white supremacy, white privilege, male privilege, death penalty, prison systems, mandatory minimums, genocide, homelessness, housing, gentrification, human trafficking, mental health, restorative justice, terrorism, elections, poverty, and water. 

The Social Justice Center will research, acquire, and provide resources that educate the campus on issues related to social justice and culture. It will also work to support and promote areas of campus that are doing social-justice related work. The center will maintain these resources, among others: websites, flyers, pamphlets, brochures, books, and videos. Resources will be set aside for student usage of the space to support student-led efforts and initiatives

The Social Justice Center will be a space for workshops, in-services, and training for faculty, staff, students, and administration on topics related to social justice. These will focus on student success, completion, retention, and satisfaction. These workshops, in-services, and training opportunities may relate to pedagogy, curriculum, outreach, wellness, and all issues related to social justice that impact our students' lives.

Calendar of Events

  • 10/8/2024, What is Social Justice? Discussion, 9am-10am, OAB 139
  • 10/9/2024, Leaving the American Dream: How to Travel the World Female, BIPOC and Hopeful, 1pm-2:30pm, OAB 139
  • 10/15/2024, 7th Generation Podcast, 1pm-2pm, OAB 139
  • 10/15/2024, Panel Discussion on Israel/Palestine Conflict, 3pm-5pm, OAB 251
  • 10/16/2024, Feminist Zine Workshop, 11am-12noon, OAB 139
  • 10/16/2024, Lawless Men: The Ku Klux Klan, Prohibition, and the Crisis of Legitimacy in Fresno, 2pm-3pm, FH 101
  • 10/17/2024, The Myth of the Welfare Queen, 2pm-3pm, OAB 139
  • 10/17/2024, Law and Social Justice Series #1: Public Health and the Law, 6:30pm-8pm, OAB 251
  • 10/24/2024, Student Journey Series, 2pm-3pm, OAB 139
  • 10/29/2024, Panel Discussion on Mass Incarceration & CA Community Colleges, 2pm-3pm, OAB 139
  • 10/30/2024, Fighting for Equity in Education, 2pm-3pm, OAB 139

  • 11/5/2024, Barber Shop Talk, 11am-12noon, OAB 139
  • 11/5/2024, 7th Generation Podcast, 1pm-2pm, OAB 139
  • 11/7/2024, Law and Social Justice Series #2, TBD, OAB 139
  • 11/12/2024, What is Social Justice? Discussion, 9am-10am, OAB 139
  • 11/12/2024, Call the Mothers: Searching for Mexico's Disappeared in the War on Drugs, TBD, OAB 139
  • 11/19/2024, 7th Generation Podcast, 1pm-2pm, OAB 139
  • 11/21/2024, Student Journey Series, 2pm-3pm, OAB 139

  • 12/3/2024, Barber Shop Talk, 11am-12noon, OAB 139
  • 12/3/2024, 7th Generation Podcast, 1pm-2pm, OAB 139