Rainbow Alliance Staff and Faculty Association

Allied Staff and Faculty Association Logo

Mission Statement

FCC Safe Zone LGBTQIA To create a campus-wide support network for LGBTQ staff, faculty, students, and their allies in an attempt to promote academic success and higher retention rates of LGBTQ students, as well as provide professional development for staff and faculty. To address issues of school climate/culture for the LGBTQ community on campus, and advise the Office of the President on such matters.

Rainbow Graduation


The FCC Rainbow Alliance Staff & Faculty Association are excited to celebrate this milestone with you and welcome you to participate in the FCC Rainbow Graduation Ceremony! The date of the ceremony will be May 7th, 2025 at 5:30PM in OAB West Courtyard. 


Meeting Schedule

Date Time Location
December 10, 2024 12:30 - 1:30pm Zoom (email RASFA@fresnocitycollege.edu to request the Zoom link)


Position Name Pronouns
President Nick Valencia-Lucio he/him/his
VP Staff Virginia Beamer she/her/hers
VP Faculty Apryl Lewis she/her/hers
Treasurer Melissa Flores she/her/hers
Secretary Monique Reyna she/her/hers

How to Join

Anyone who is a current or former employee of Fresno City College can join this association. A payment of $15.00 (waived for anyone contributing $5 or more each month via automatic payroll deduction) and completion of this form are required to become a member: RASFA Membership Form

Please note that the general meetings are open to the public. This means anyone (not just a member) can attend these meetings. To receive the zoom link, simply send us an email at RASFA@fresnocitycollege.edu

Donate Now

Funds raised by RASFA go towards supporting LGBTQ+ student scholarships. 

To donate, please follow the link Donate Now

  1. Select the amount you wish to donate
  2. Under "Designation" select "Other"
  3. Under the comment box write "FCC RASFA Student Scholarship"
  4. Make this a one-time donation or a monthly contribution!