Data Requests

To request data please complete the  Data Request Form  (one form for each project request).

  • Timeframe: The time it will take to meet your request will depend on the volume of research currently in progress and the complexity of your request. Please allow at least two weeks or more between the date of your request and your date needed.
  • Data Request Status: You should receive a confirmation email once your request has been assigned to a staff member. Please reach out to  Dr. Alex Adams, Senior Director of Institutional Research, Planning, and Effectiveness if you do not receive this email within five business days. Any additional questions or concerns can be directed to him or the assigned staff member. 
  • External Requests: If you are not a part of the State Center Community College District, you will not be able to access the form. Please email us at and we will send you an alternative form.

Scholarly research investigations at Fresno City College that involve human subjects and, therefore, require Institutional Review Board (IRB) review and approval, must follow the policies and procedures established by State Center Community College District (SCCCD) IRB. This is to assure that: 

  1. Appropriate procedures to ensure that the rights and dignity of human subjects are not violated by research projects at SCCCD; and
  2. Appropriate procedures to protect the principal investigator, the investigative staff, and the college and district from potential liability in research projects involving human participants.

If you are interested in conducting human subjects research at Fresno City College please reach out to for more information.