Attend all planning and team meetings
Attend all planning and team meetings
Attend all planning and team meetings
Attend all planning and team meetings
Attend all team meetings
Attend all team meetings
Attend all team meetings
Attend all team meetings when possible
Organize planning and team meetings
Facilitate implementation and conversation of instructional student success strategies, (units per semester, course offerings/schedules, curriculum clean-up)
Communicate regularly to team members
Work with Team Lead to plan all team activities/student events
Participate in Early Alert strategy team
Participate in team activities/student events when possible
Participate in conversations for improving student journey through programs
Participate in team activities/student events
Oversee budgets and resources
Facilitate instructor involvement and sharing in teams
Lead team to plan student activities/events
Work with Lead to ensure completion of all tasks
Organize Early Alert interventions for team
See students when possible by pathway
Participate in planning team activities/student events
Bring student engagement perspectives to the team discussions
Facilitate SS participation in team activities/events
Communicate to other divisions affected by team activities
Understand and communicate team data
See students by pathway caseload
Guide/support instructors on using Early Alert
Communicate to special program/office about team programs and activities
Communicate student needs and curriculum changes to team
Be a way for students to connect to resources in pathway (mentor)
Support team to develop topics for specialized training/PD
Support team to develop topics for specialized training/PD
Monitor progress toward reaching team goals
Attend selected instructional department meetings/communicate with instructors
Strategize campus probation interventions/participate in Probation Advisory Team
Complete Early Alert, probation follow-up services, and "reach outs" for assigned students
Coordinate instructors communicating to students about timely interventions
Monitor team goals and progress
Monitor team goals and progress
Organize student "reach outs" for team
Participate in course/program discussions to improve student success
Organize communications to students and team regarding Early Alert/Probation interventions
Support students with mentoring and connections within pathway
Communicate to campus counselors regarding team activities and student success strategies for programs
See students by pathway