Official stationery promotes a strong unified image for both internal and external documents. Consistent design makes campus-wide correspondence immediately recognizable, while decreasing long-term stationery costs.
College Memo Template
Please use this document when sending memos internally across the campus. Two versions are available: a Microsoft Office Word template file (*.dot) that you may install in your user templates folder and a standard Word document.
Download: - template file
Download: College-Memo-Template.doc - standard Word document
Business System
Communications written on FCC stationery send a powerful message about our campus and about the author of the letter. Campus-wide letterhead and envelopes must maintain a basic, standard layout.
All letterhead is printed on white, letterhead quality paper (measuring 8.5 by cinches) with matching No. 10 envelopes. Blank second sheets in matching paper are acceptable for documents with multiple pages. Fresno City College’s logo is printed on the top left corner of the page. Directly to the right of the logo is the signature and address. The bottom of the page reads “State Center Community College District” and “EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER.” These two lines are centered and located 1/4 of an inch from the bottom of the page. Please note that “EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER” is in all caps.
Fresno City College's official envelopes have the FCC logo placed in the top left corner. Directly to the right of the logo is the FCC signature and address. This portion of the layout is on three lines and is left justified. On District envelopes proper wording for return service is “Return Services Requested.”
Business Cards
Business cards are often a person’s first introduction to Fresno City College. For this reason all business cards must be consistent with each other and with official stationery. Fresno City College’s business cards have the logo printed in the top left corner of the card. Directly to the right of the logo is the signature and address. The center of the card is reserved for the employee’s name and contact information. Centered at the bottom of the card are the words “A college of the STATE CENTER COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT.”
Ordering Information
To ensure quality and consistency, the Print Shop in the Print Media & Communication department at Fresno City College is recommended for all stationery materials. Work Order for Specialty Printing triplicateAll requests for stationery must be submitted to the copy center on the form below.
For more information or questions specific to printing, please contact the Print Media & Communication department at Fresno City College.