English for Multi-Lingual Students and Linguistics
The English for Multi-Lingual Students/Linguistics Department at FCC offers reading, writing, pronunciation and listening/speaking courses for students seeking to improve their English and study skills. The EMLS program is designed to equip students with the necessary skills required for academic work at the college level for degrees, certificates, or transfer. We have four levels of instruction from low-intermediate through advanced (one level below English 1A). We offer hybrid classes (partly online) at our advanced and high-intermediate levels, instruction in our computer lab, and specially trained tutors who attend EMLS classes and are available to work with students in the PASS Center.
Additionally, the department offers two introductory linguistic courses that satisfy transfer level area requirements. Ling 10 meets the GE requirement for Area C, and Ling 11 is for prospective teachers planning to enter the blended program at CSUF. These classes are offered both face-to-face and online.
To find out more, contact the instructors or counselors listed below.
Program Faculty
Sally Potter, department co-chair
Alyssa Tobar
Jennifer Vahanian, department co-chair
Join Now
To find out more about our EMLS Program and take the Guided Student Placement Assessment, please visit English for Multilingual Students Webpage.