Tuition at Fresno City College is $46 per unit.
- Social Work and Human Services for Transfer Degree (F.7635.AA-T)
- Students will complete 29-34 major units combined with general education courses for a minimum of 60 semester units, for a total of $2,760 in tuition costs.
- Human Services, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counseling Degree (F.7951.AS)
- Students will complete 37-38 major units combined with general education courses for a minimum of 60 semester units, for a total of $2,760 in tuition costs.
- Human Services, Pre-Social Work Degree (F.7633.AS)
- Students will complete 30 major units combined with general education courses for a minimum of 60 semester units, for a total of $2,760 in tuition costs.
- Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counseling Certificate (F.7951.CA)
- Students will complete 37-38 units for a total of $1,702-$1,748 in tuition costs.
- Pre-Social Work Certificate (F.7633.CA)
- Students will complete 30 units for a total of $1,306 in tuition costs.
- Elder Care Human Services Certificate (F.7634.CA)
- Students will complete 18 units for a total of $828 in tuition costs.
A student can pay in one or a combination of ways: directly using a credit card, through a grant (review our Financial Aid videos below for grant information), or with a scholarship or fee waiver through partner programs:
- Financial Aid
- Upward Mobility Pathways
(also known as Reading and Beyond)
- Workforce Connection
(also known as Fresno Regional Workforce Development Board)
- CalWORKs
Yes! However, every 4-year college accepts coursework differently. It is recommended that students intending to transfer to a CSU should complete the CSU-General Education pattern, and those planning to attend a UC should complete the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum pattern. Students should work with a counselor to create a comprehensive student educational plan (SEP-C) to confirm they complete courses best suited for their academic and career path.
Courses completed in the Human Services certificate programs may be applicable to additional certificates or associate degree programs. Students should meet with a counselor to confirm courses and certificates are completed in the appropriate order.
Fresno City College uses the same registration system as all California Community Colleges. A student must apply through CCCApply, if not already a California Community College student, to receive a student identification number. Once you have a student identification number, you may schedule a counselor appointment to discuss the program and create a Student Educational Plan (SEP). This plan will guide your course selection and registration through Self-Service.
For more assistance with applying to Fresno City College, please access one or more of the resources below:
Initial Steps: Apply to Fresno City College | Fresno City College
If you are a first-time student, transfer student, high school student, graduating senior, or returning student you can start by submitting the appropriate application to Fresno City College through the link provided above.
College Relations: College Relations Office | Fresno City College
Students may receive additional support through our College Relations and Outreach office. This team of counselors specializes in assisting new college students from application to advising courses to attending their first day of class.
Courses may be offered face-to-face or online, with courses available during the day and evening. Students may choose to enroll full time (12+ units) or part-time (1-11 units).
- Social Work and Human Services for Transfer Degree (F.7635.AA-T)
- Requires 29-34 major units combined with the CSU-GE Breadth or IGETC General Education pattern for a minimum of 60 transferable units. Students who enroll full-time may complete this degree in four semesters.
- Human Services, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counseling Degree (F.7951.AS)
- Requires 37-38 major units that combine with one of three general education patterns for a minimum of 60 semester units. Students who enroll full-time may complete this degree in four semesters.
- Human Services, Pre-Social Work Degree (F.7633.AS)
- Requires 30 major units that combine with one of three general education patterns for a minimum of 60 semester units. Students who enroll full-time may complete this degree in four semesters.
- Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counseling Certificate (F.7951.CA)
- Requires 37-38 units that must be completed in the proper sequence. Students who enroll full-time may complete this certificate in 3 semesters.
- Pre-Social Work Certificate (F.7633.CA)
- Requires 30 units that must be completed in the proper sequence. Students who enroll full-time may complete this certificate in two semesters.
- Elder Care Human Services Certificate (F.7634.CA)
Requires 18 units that must be completed in the proper sequence. Students may complete this certificate in 2 semesters.
As part of each Human Services degree or certificate program, students are required to complete a work experience/practicum course (HS 19A/HS 19B) which requires placement at a volunteer or paid work site at a human services agency. Students are responsible for securing their site placement, though faculty may serve as a resource to connect with potential employers and internship providers.
Students may also receive job and internship placement assistance through our Career and Employment Center: Career And Employment Center | Fresno City College