Liberal Arts
A degree in Liberal Arts is an excellent choice for a student who wants a broad knowledge of liberal arts and sciences plus additional coursework in an Area of Emphasis. Students can choose to follow either the Fresno City College General Education pattern to complete an AA degree or follow the CSU/GE or IGETC Certification pattern to transfer to a 4 year institution.
- Liberal Arts Degree with an Emphasis in American Sign Language (F.5101.AA)
- Liberal Arts Degree with an Emphasis in Anthropology/Criminology (F.5106.AA)
- Liberal Arts Degree with an Emphasis in Anthropology / Economics/ Geography (F.5107.AA)
- Liberal Arts Degree with an Emphasis in Cultural Studies Associate in Arts (AA)
- Liberal Arts Degree with an Emphasis in Foreign languages Associate in Arts (AA)
- Liberal Arts Degree with an Emphasis in History/Political Science (F.5141.AA)
- Liberal Arts Degree with an Emphasis in Social Sciences Associate in Arts (AA)
- Liberal Arts Degree with an Emphasis in Spanish (F.5183.AA)
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To learn more contact the Social Science Division Office or a Social Sciences counselor.
Courses and Information
To see recommended courses, see the Catalog. To see upcoming scheduled classes, see the Schedule of Classes.